Web Design Company


Web design is 2 terminologies. Web is derived Internet terminology and design derived from art. Lets define in good manner web design meaning anybody they want to draw any art in the Internet it is called web design. In ancient time there is no way to do mass marketing. There was mouth-to-mouth marketing only.

There was very tough to marketing. Lets take a example I am living in united states America I want to marketing in Australia no way to do marketing or branding only one way to do local and mouth to mouth marketing.

In 1989 CERN TIM Berners -LEE do miracle in the world. They proposed to create a global hypertext project; later it becomes World Wide Web. 1989 wasInternet and technology year. After birth of Internet world become just home. Thousand of kilometerdistance just becomesmeter.


After 1989 invention start one by one. During 1991 to 1993 World wide web was born. After www browser wars start then html and so on.


With help of web design and development any person of the world they can share the idea and they can do branding of the product.Technology gives people relief and increase living of standard

Lets explain benefits web design –


1) In ancient people there was very big problem if student they are reading they do not understand meaning of any English word or math question. There is no way to take help. There is only way find that thing into book or go for teacher asksthis doubt. In technology era there are lots of search engine and forum they can do help. One of the famous Google and Bing play a important role in the education and many other field. If any student they have doubted they can search a problem within a moment.


2) Lets talk about the Facebook social media. It is very powerful medium they will be connect world people with each other with same interest. Facebook give the opportunity to talk with different people with different culture


3) NowI am talking about the Amazon online shopping company. I am doing work in any company I have to do purchase shopping regarding some festival and i do not have time to go market . I can use online shopping platform.


4) Lets talk about PayPal payment gateway. In ancient world if any person they want to transfer or receive money from one country to another country so that was very difficult. Only way any person will that place and take money from that place that was take a long time, lots of expenses and time-consumingprocess.

Now in this era if any person they want to send or receive money they can do within a moment. Another example of bit coins for transfer the fund. It is a power of technology.


5) Lets take example of travel before 1989 if any person they want to go from one place to another place. There was very big problem. Becausethat person do not know about thatplace. Like Uber cab give a very fabulous services people the can book cab from home they can reach easily.


Let moving now in technology world of web design. Web design and development it is a art of people. There are thousand of way to develop the website and mobileapp. Here in my article i am explaining some technology


Web design and development Technologies stack-




• CMS & Ecommerce – Magneto, Word press, Drupal, Joomla, Open cart, Prestashop


• PSD, HTML5, CCS3, Bootstrap, Java Script


• Phone Gap, Cordova ( For hybrid Mobile App)


• Android ,IOS Application and Windows application Development for Native app


• AngularJS, BackboneJS


• NodeJS


• ChartJS, D3.js,


• NoSQL Data Base, MongoDB, My Sql


• Google Adwords /SEO/SMM experts


With help of website design and development it is very easy to transfer information from one place to another place. It is god gift for the world .


HW INFOTECH plays a very important role in the web design and development. HW INFOTECH is complete a dream of people they want businessman and they want to become rich people. Because web design and development is key success in every section of the life.


HW INFOTECH is provide a solution of Website,APP, ERP and SOFTWARE


We provide high quality web design and development with do testing phase for your satisfaction


Satisfactionto 100%. Because we have more then100 creative professionals, talented


HW INFOTECH designer and developer are play very important for complete dream

We have completed lots of project in our past experience like – :


1) School Management System


2) Hospital Management


3) Multivendor Ecommerce


4) Online exam Portal


5) Online food Portal


6) Online Cab Portal


7) Job Portal


8) Crowdfunding Script


9) Freelance Portal


10) LMS Project


11) Online Doctor and patience community Portal


12) Multi level marketing




3 Month free supports for work guaranty.




HW INFOTECH providesservices in 26 countries last 10 year. HW InfoTech develop website in very nominal price with these feature



1. Fresh Mobile responsive design, which will compatible on desktop, laptop and all mobile devices.

2. Website will be SEO friendly (SEO On-Page Optimization)

3. Website will be fully dynamic in nature (Easy to manage from backend)

4. Login and sign up features

5. Social media integration

6. Payment gateway integration

7. 3 Monthfree support

8. Free training to manage your website by yourself.

9. 1 moth free SEO

10. We provide 3 mock up to the client


• Admin portal

• Content management

• Page creation

• Manage users accounts

• to add question paper



Slogan – web design do world into pocket

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