Website and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW Infotech

Website and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP

PHP is an excellent choice for the Content Management System (CMS). However, many people see this as a simple CMS, which is a site to create landing pages or two. But PHP is more than that. Not only is the PHP theme easy, but there is also a wide range of integrated functionality and a great community that runs popular CMS.

One of the biggest advantages of PHP is that you can build just about any website you can imagine with some modules. Do you want to go beyond the basics of a simple CMS system? PHP has an excellent API interface that allows you to extend almost all aspects of the software. In fact, a lot of people started talking about using PHP as a framework because it is solid, well written, supports a lot of traffic and has a large and useful community.

You can choose to hire PHP, which is the best option available in the market these days if you want to expand your business without actually expanding your infrastructure spending and hiring employees. So if you are thinking of building your next big website, here are some ways to get existing modules and make your project fast without having to make custom modules.

1. Digg Clone

There are many Digg clone programs available, but it is very easy to create a site that allows users to submit, vote, comment and moderate links to content. It is even easier if this functionality is complete in a single module. Digg creates an identical voice site that allows users to add web links, vote them, share stories, and much more.

2. Blog

This is one of the most obvious and common uses for PHP, but this does not mean that it does not matter. PHP is the main product for blogs outside the box, and there are several modules available that can improve the comments and overall blogging functionality.

3. News Portal

For those who want a website that displays a lot of information like Yahoo! Or other feeds on PHP. With “Excellent” and some unique categories, you can create and display many different types of content on your homepage to get Yahoo Clone. Views are essential units for the PHP site.

4. Strong user location

Here I think PHP shines more than most (if not all) content management systems. PHP has an excellent user management system, user profiles, and even OpenID directly out of the box. It also has modules that can connect to Twitter and Facebook, and it’s easy to connect to other authentication portals using custom modules.

PHP also contains an asterisk called “organic groups”, which allows users to “get organized” into groups. Each group can have its main page, blocks, attributes, classifications and more.

5. School knows

If you want to create a special website for business or organization, PHP makes it easy. Apart from Plugin for organic groups and other community members, it has a free gift that accepts PayPal payments and shows that free donations on a free page.

CiviCRM (demo) is a liquid solution that has been developed for attacks and non-profit organizations. There are more than 5,000 CiviCRM organizations, which are of great interest and a wide range of services for additional services.

A good PHP module for creating an entity is the Connect module. Attach easily to create the application, email or fax.

6. Twitter Clone Script

Yes, ever … The world does not need to clone on Twitter? Well, I’m different. The idea of websites and communities has been developed in the short term, and interconnectivity in the body is long-term. With PHP it can be as easy as possible. Copy the PHP Microblog module with the most features of Twitter. Children’s Words, the user and the general time.

7. Record of Records

Drop or Column. The files automatically include drop-ins and help models such as Media Movers. Media promoters can carry you uploaded files and copy them to Amazon S3, the most scalable data storage system

8. Flickr Clone Script

You can also create a site with images and Flickr in photos and Flickr items. Image module gives users the ability to upload images, then creates thumbnails and galleries from the upload. Users can also comment on images using the comment function included in the Flickr Clone.

9. Delicious cloning Website

It turned out that creating a page with a bookmark like Delicious in PHP is very trivial. Many module options provide users with the ability to publish bookmarks to a delicious Clone account.

10. YouTube Clone Website

If you want to create a video sharing site like YouTube, PHP has modules that can help a lot. Flash Video offers the functionality of converting uploaded Flash files and then places them in Amazon S3 if desired. Flash Video can also stream videos to YouTube Clone like the big ones.

11. Amazon Clone Script

Trying to recreate the e-commerce power domain is fine, but if any CMS is able to do so, it’s PHP. PHP has several e-commerce stars units, such as e-commerce and Ubercart. Both units have extensive list features that make it easier to create e-commerce power, such as the Amazon Clone.

12. Tumblr cloning

Creating a social networking site with PHP is very easy thanks to the excellent functionality of the flow module. Steam functionality allows you to attract user activity on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Qik, StumbleUpon and much more.

13. Blogger Clone

If you want to run a host party, like Blogger or, PHP is installing it. PHP has a blog module that comes with the package and allows all members of the site to have a blog.

14. Blog Network

Blogs and networks like Performancing and WiseBread are based on PHP to empower your networks. This requires the use of a blog module. Blog articles close all companies on the homepage and you can change how blog friends have been viewed with module views.

15. News Aggregator

The Lifetime’s website was built with a duplicate and a module, so you can collect all blog posts. This site has been updated without a personal observation, similarly, news recruiters, such as a page about Clown Ezine Attics, can also be developed by PHP.

16. FriendFeed

Using an ideal Activity Stream module would make it easy to create a FriendFeed clone. Because PHP already has incredible user and profile modules, you can create a quick FriendFeed cluster in a matter of hours, depending on your design skills.

However, these are just a few examples of a tempting project. In fact, you can create several colleges and websites using this special CMS. Some of the advantages and benefits of growth are growth that leads to success.

Why choose HWinfotech for App & PHP Clone script website?

HWinfotech is one of the biggest website PHP clone script provider of the market where you can get 500+ clone scripts. The best thing about HWinfotech is that we have the best developing team for customizing your product as per your requirements. This company is a one-stop solution for all of the problems like web development service, web designing service, digital marketing services, mobile application development services. I would strongly recommend you to send the demo request or you can chat with our representative on the website of HWinfotech so that you can understand how a legitimate company works for their valuable clients.

More information can be found on company’s website. /. You can also reach us at

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    Website and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW InfotechWebsite and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW InfotechWebsite and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW InfotechWebsite and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW Infotech
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    Website and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW InfotechWebsite and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW InfotechWebsite and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW InfotechWebsite and Internet Clone which you can develop with PHP - HW Infotech